“Towards inclusive Armenia’’ project is relevant to the global objective of this call to pursue common agendas for human rights and democratic reforms through strengthening human rights coalitions in Armenia.
The action will improve the rights of persons with disabilities in Armenia, as it will help to build a strong disability rights coalition, which will systematically advocate for inclusive legislation, monitor law enforcement effectiveness and use international human rights mechanisms such as CRPD to push our government to fulfill its obligations.
Target group of this project are persons with disabilities, their family members, disabled persons’ organizations and CSOs, social workers, lawyers, education and healthcare professionals. Final beneficiaries of the project are persons with disabilities.
This action will advocate and address the equal rights and opportunities for persons with disabilities.
The stakeholders of the project are parliament members, government, media and other stakeholders identified by the members of the Coalition for Inclusive Legal Reforms after developing the strategic plan of the coalition.
Additional notes
“Towards inclusive Armenia’’ project implemented by “Agate” Rights Defense Center for Women with Disabilities on behalf of the Coalition for Inclusive Legal Reforms.
In 2017 “Agate” NGO created the Coalition for Inclusive Legal Reforms to advocate for the adoption of the draft law on the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities in Armenia.
The Coalition for Inclusive Legal Reforms is the biggest and most inclusive disability coalition in Armenia and has a rights-based approach to working style.
Members of the coalition work on a wide range of issues within disability rights. Their expertise varies significantly considering both the area and type of activities carried out, and the capacity in terms of institutional development and years of experience.
Coalition organizations have a rich experience and skills of implementing different local and international projects on disability rights within the scope of their work activities, and they will input their human and material resources for the successful implementation of the project.
The Coalition consist of representatives from 16 organizations of persons with disabilities, CSOs and 7 individuals who are members of CILR.
Detailed description
The project implemented in 4 phases with an initial Inception Phase of 4 months during which activities aligned to the strategic planning of the Coalition and key legislative processes.
Phase 1. Coalition capacity building, institutional development and strengthening stage- developing strategic plans, policies and increasing the number of members of the Coalition.
Phase 2. Successful and efficient CILR operation phase-monitoring legislation and policies, recommendations, advocacy, communication.
Phase 3. Alternative report development phase-contracting CILR to develop alternative report.
Phase 4. Strategic plan activities implementation phase by the members of the CILR.
Specific objective
Specific objectives of the action are:
- to support to build institutional capacities and development of the CILR to effectively promote adoption and implementation of effective and inclusive disability rights legislation and policies.
- to build a strong grassroots movement in support and promotion of the rights-based approach to disability.
- to monitor and report on the implementation of the CRPD and national legislation with regards to the rights of people with disabilities.
Expected results
Project outcomes are:
Outcome 1. Strong and structured CILR engaged in the advocacy of all human rights related initiatives, legislation and policies in Armenia.
Outcome 2. Strong recommendations and policy proposals addressing equal rights and dignity of persons with disabilities in Armenia
Outcome 3. Alternative report on the implementation of CRPD during 2017-2020 including different rights of persons with disabilities.
Outcome 4. Advocacy activities implemented by the member organizations of CILR on education, sexual and reproductive rights of women with disabilities, inclusive sports, accessible, rights and opportunities of deaf and blind persons, persons with intellectual and psycho-social disabilities, employment, children’s rights, parents’ support groups and etc.
Outcome 5. Strong grassroots movement for advocating for disability rights.